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IPL Specialist

Skin Deep MD

Medical Spa located in Boulder, CO

Common skin concerns, like uneven skin tone, wrinkles, and large pores, are no match for intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment. IPL uses light to repair and resurface your skin. At Skin Deep MD, Melody Denham, MD, and her team offer the latest in IPL therapy to patients. If you’re ready to regain confidence with better skin, make an appointment at Skin Deep MD in Boulder, Colorado. Call the office or book online to get started.


What is intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a type of light-based treatment that corrects skin imperfections like age spots, rosacea, and even freckles. While traditional laser treatment uses one wavelength of light, IPL uses many wavelengths. IPL is sometimes called a photofacial, because the light is like a photo flash. 

Laser treatment with one wavelength is very focused. The light from IPL treatment is more scattered. IPL travels through the top layer of skin, the epidermis, to reach the second layer. IPL typically better preserves the surface layer of skin during treatment.

Skin Deep MD uses the Icon™ laser for IPL therapy because it’s a flexible system that fits nearly every patient’s needs. It combines the latest in photofacial technology with the industry’s only live melanin reader to address skin discoloration and signs of aging. 

What can IPL treat?

The team at Skin Deep MD regularly recommends IPL treatment with the Icon laser system to patients who want to get rid of wrinkles, uneven skin tone, or hair. IPL can remove or minimize:

  • Sun damage
  • Age spots
  • Rosacea
  • Freckles
  • Visible veins and blood vessels
  • Unwanted body hair

One of the most popular IPL treatments the aesthetic team at Skin Deep MD offers is Three For Me. Three For Me is a single treatment that minimizes the look of three top concerns: wrinkles, sun damage, and facial veins. 

Is IPL treatment right for me?

IPL is a good option for patients suffering from common skin imperfections like aging, sun damage, and discoloration. The team at Skin Deep MD thoroughly examines your skin before recommending a treatment plan. 

If you are frustrated by age spots, sun damage, visible veins, and blood vessels, or uneven pigmentation, IPL therapy erases or minimizes these conditions. Let Dr. Denham and the aesthetic team repair your skin with IPL.

In general, IPL works best on smooth areas of skin and for people who have lighter skin tones, and dark and light hair. It isn’t recommended for people who are likely to develop raised keloid scars.

IPL is a powerful cosmetic treatment that can dramatically improve your skin’s appearance. To find out if IPL is right for you, talk to Dr. Denham and her expert team. Call the office or request a consultation online today to get started.